I remember listening to the records of The Boomtown Rats which I bought from record shops (vinyl). It was very much in my formative years. I viewed them as slightly less outrageous than some of the other 'punk rock' and 'new wave' bands, which I also however enjoyed. I would listen to the lyrics particularly and enjoyed the interplay with the catchy music. Always a good combination.
This is a nice slick site. I've done one myself, very simple text based, as though I were an aspiring media personality myself.
Of course if you are a young person and are considering some kind of media or media studies course of action be aware that there has got to be something concrete to it, and that it is not an excuse for doing an easier option just so you can get letters after your name. That is studies into the details of media e.g. jpeg, mpeg specification, software languages and methods to use these objects. There's as much creativity in performing a competent plumbers role (perhaps hairdresser as well!) as there is in singing in a band. It's possible to learn the messages of many of these singers in other ways - by studying history, geography and geology by using your own eyes to observe society (and some of its absurdities). So these rock stars are really quite rare, and often with unusual backgrounds that don't confirm to a standard such as other famous people (e.g. Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft), so it wouldn't be a good strategy to try and emulate them - just enjoy them, and learn from what they have to say if anything.